How We Serve
It’s about living out the mission of Jesus together.
Ready to step into serving at Hope?
Fill out our Serve form and get connected with a ministry leader to learn more about serving opportunities.
In the Church
Here are ways that we are serving each other, welcoming guests, and making disciples at Hope.

Kid Ministry
The mission of Hope Kids is to bring glory to God by partnering with parents to help kids begin a lifelong journey of discipleship.

Student Ministry
Hope Students is dedicated to creating an authentic environment for students to connect with God and others.

Music & Tech Team
Musical worship is a big part of our Sunday morning services here at Hope. We are always looking for incredible musical and technical talent to join our team!

Hospitality Team
This team helps set up, serve, and take down for Hope Church hosted events.

Connections Ministry
Serve as gracious hosts to everyone who attends Hope Church, especially by welcoming and helping visitors and guests.

Church Offices
The church has many different roles that need to be filled in order to operate properly. Elders, deacons, trustees, Nominating Committee, the Mission Team, and more help make Hope Church operate.

Building and Property
As our church body grows, our church building needs upkeep. Managing all aspects of our building is always important, and we're so grateful to the people who help us keep, repair, and build the church
In the Community
Check out the ways that we are investing in the community around Hope.

Arrive Ministries' mission is to carry out God’s command to welcome and bring lifelong transformation to refugees and immigrants in Minnesota.

Camp Shamineau
It is Shamineau's mission to share the gospel of Jesus with children and youth through relationships and fun camp experiences.

Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge
MNTC's goal is to assist men, women and teens in gaining freedom from chemical addictions and other life-controlling problems by addressing their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

New Life Family Services
NLFS is committed to providing professional, life-affirming care through no-cost pregnancy, parenting, and post-abortion services, as well as licensed adoption services.

Red Cross Blood Donations
American Red Cross aims to encourage blood donations among communities such as Hope Church to help with necessary blood transfusions and other medical related needs.

Washington County Community Services
Hope partners with Washington County to help with adoption services, child care, child support, alcohol and drug abuse services, disabilities, foster care, housing, mental health, and more.
In the World
Explore the ways that we join God in His global mission of rescue and renewal.

Mission Team
Hope supports over a dozen teams who live among international communities and invest their effort into building up other churches and ministries.

Short-Term Trips
Hope regularly sends people overseas to help partner organizations in various ways.

Global Fingerprints
Global Fingerprints equips the church to be transformational in the lives of vulnerable children, opening doors to strengthen, revitalize and plant churches.
Ready to step into serving at Hope?
Fill out our Serve form and get connected with a ministry leader to learn more about serving opportunities.
Mission Partners
We partner with individuals and organizations who serve in the Twin Cities, nationally, and globally to bring glory to God by making disciples.
David and Rachel Anderson
David and Rachel Anderson serve with the Center for Indian Ministries (CIM) at the Red Lake Indian Reservation in rural Northwest MN. David and all 5 of the Anderson children are tribal members of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indian Reservation. Their ministry will include serving at 2 different churches as well as at a nearby camp.
Carl and Cathy Lahr
Carl and Kathy’s passion is to see communities and individuals transformed by the power of the gospel. This is why Carl is energized by helping Converge International Ministries multiply gospel movements among least-reached people groups by serving as the Director of Global Leadership.
Stephanie Pohl
Stephanie serves as Campus Outreach Staff in the Twin Cities to develop multiplying, kingdom leaders on the campus for family, community, and global transformation. She does this by sharing the good news about Jesus, investing in the lives of college students, and sending people out to train others.