Our Mission & Values
This is who we are.
Bringing glory to God by making disciples.
What is a Disciple?
We believe a disciple is someone who is devoted to learning and living for Jesus; a person who reorients his or her life around the Gospel and Jesus’ mission. At Hope Church we encourage everyone from children to adults to live as a disciple and seek to grow in relationship with Him.
Marks of a Disciple
Living out our IDENTITY in Christ.
Responding in WORSHIP to who God is, what He has done, and what He is doing.
Investing in COMMUNITY with others, intentionally sharing our lives together.
Pursuing a life on MISSION to reflect God to the world around us.
What is Disciplemaking?
Bringing people into right relationship with God, helping them take steps towards Jesus, that they might do the same for others.
The Hope Pathway
At Hope, we work to provide resources and environments where you can thrive on your mission of making disciples. Here are our Pathways to help you move towards full maturity as a disciple of Jesus Christ at Hope Church. These are the things we encourage everyone to engage in as they make disciples of themselves and others. We believe that if you strive to incorporate these in your life it will help you flourish in your relationship with Jesus and in the core mission of Hope Church: bringing glory to God by making disciples… who make disciples!

Engage in Sunday Morning Worship
The family of Hope Church gathers together each Sunday to celebrate and make a big deal out of the God of the universe. We do this by listening to and applying the truth of God’s scripture and responding in corporate worship. The Spirit of God moves powerfully when the family of God gathers together.

Cultivate Your Relationship with God
Developing deep roots in the Christian faith involves a daily commitment to cultivate one’s relationship with God. Engaging with God on your own and with your family through practices such as reading the Bible and praying are crucial to a faith that flourishes.

Belong in a Group
Christians grow best when they group together. Groups provide a place where we can find encouragement toward righteousness, protection from sin, support in hard times, and propulsion on mission. No matter who you are, there is a group for you at Hope.

Invest in the Hope Family and Community
God designed you to make a difference with your life. At Hope we encourage everyone to invest in both the church family and their communities. God has blessed each of his people with gifts and called them to employ them for the common good and His glory.

Make Disciples that Make Disciples
We have experienced new life and freedom in knowing Jesus. This is not something to keep to ourselves, but something that needs to be multiplied in the world. Everyone who has found hope in Jesus has the joy and responsibility of sharing that hope with others. As we live in the world and with our neighbors, we introduce others to Jesus and the new life he offers.

What we value most matters.
These four aspects are what we cherish at Hope, pursuing them as individuals and as the body of Christ.
Everything we do revolves around Him! If it weren’t for him, we would have nothing. All that we do should be for His glory.
As the body of Christ, we desire to live unified, resolve conflict quickly, and love unconditionally.
Worshipping through songs, prayer, and teaching is good, but we want to make sure our worship as a body is genuine and real.
Our mission field is our day to day lives! Blessing others financially, being friendly and reflecting Christ, or bearing one another’s burdens are all ways we encourage our congregation to bless others.

Our Leadership
Let us introduce you to our pastors, staff, elders, and deacons.